Office of Immigration sets up hotline amid ICE attempts across NYC
While unsuccessful, city leaders say ICE made three attempts across the city over the weekend.
Authorities tell News 12 two of the three attempts were made in Sunset Park, with the others in East Harlem, but again they were unsuccessful, and no arrests were made.
The ICE attempts set off of a frenzy, especially in Sunset Park.
The mayor’s Office of Immigration Affairs created an Action NYC hotline, which has information on where you can get city funded legal help. There is also the "boots on the ground" operation where city employees are literally in the targeted neighborhoods handing out "know your rights" resources to people in the area.
"You know the main thing we're telling people is to remember that you have rights, you have, you know, you have. You don't need to let anybody in; if they say that they have a warrant, you can ask them to slide it under the door; you have the right to speak to an attorney you have the right not to consent to a search, so your rights attached these are so important," says Bitta Mostof, of the mayor's office of Immigration.
Councilman Carlos Menchaca, who represents the area, spoke with some of the families whose homes were raided.
He tells News 12 what is most concerning to him regarding the raids is the impact it has on the community.
"I think the most important thing to say to anyone even if people are on the other side of this conversation is that this has an emotional impact on the family, on the community and the neighborhood, that is going to take years to repair and that is not what we need right now in terms of the future of the city and the future and health of our neighborhood,” says Menchaca.
For those who see ICE agents in their neighborhood or to get more information on how to access help from the city, call 311 and say “Action NYC.”

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