Bronx man celebrates 104th birthday

Five generations came together this week to help celebrate the 104th birthday of a Bronx man. Juan Ayala was born in 1908 and hails from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. For four decades he traveled the world

News 12 Staff

Jan 4, 2012, 3:27 PM

Updated 4,670 days ago


Five generations came together this week to help celebrate the 104th birthday of a Bronx man.
Juan Ayala was born in 1908 and hails from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. For four decades he traveled the world as a merchant marine before settling into Throgs Neck where everyone calls him Pop.
Over the past century, Ayala and his late wife had three children, five grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. They all said this birthday was especially meaningful because Ayala suffered from heart failure last summer.
According to Ayala, the secret to his longevity is simple: home-cooked meals, fish and women.