Bronx teens drum up brighter futures

A group of Bronx teen is drumming its way to a brighter future. The snare and bass players go by the name of "X Factor" and have been banging beats since 2010. Their director, Shawn Shaw, says he started

News 12 Staff

Jul 19, 2012, 5:01 PM

Updated 4,433 days ago


A group of Bronx teen is drumming its way to a brighter future.
The snare and bass players go by the name of "X Factor" and have been banging beats since 2010. Their director, Shawn Shaw, says he started the line to give kids a positive outlet and to teach them life values.
Since picking up the instruments, the teens say they've earned trophies and even college scholarships.
The drumline is free to join and is the only one of its kind in the borough.