Adina Sash - Community First

City Council Candidate Adina Sash

News 12 Staff

May 3, 2019, 6:58 PM

Updated 1,994 days ago


Adina Sash
Community First
Current Occupation:
Business Owner, Social Media and Marketing Consulting
1. What would be your top priority as a City Councilmember?
My biggest priority would be simply serving our district. Far too many people don't understand how the system works, the powers a Council Member has, and the impact their vote carries. I'd do everything in my power to make the community's voice front and center in all my decisions, and make my office the most accessible and transparent in the city.
2. What do you love about living in Brooklyn?
Everything! I love the fact that there are so many people from so many different backgrounds to interact with on a daily basis. I love being able to get on the train or go to Kings Plaza and be able to connect with such diversity. I also just love that Brooklyn breeds people who know how to hustle. We're known for it all around the world and I love being able to say I'm from Brooklyn.
3. What was your biggest challenge in school?
Adjusting to motherhood while maintaining a full-time graduate program schedule was very challenging.
4. How do we improve the public transit system?
We need to quickly identify our main issues first and develop a strong funding plan to make those fixes. The switches and rails need to be upgraded but we also need more connections between train and bus lines and to make our subways more accessible for the elderly and New Yorkers with disabilities. There has to be an aggressive plan of action with more funding. If we end the rebates Wall Street currently receives on stock transfers, we can bring in billions every year and put it directly to the fixes we so desperately need.
5. What needs to be done to improve conditions at NYCHA complexes?
First things first, we need to get to the bottom of how things got so bad. That's why I am calling for a Special Investigator to identify abuses of funding and hold those who let our city down accountable. Secondly, we need to put NYCHA tenants first and foremost, and make sure that the issues they are raising are being properly heard and addressed.
6. Do you cook? What's your signature dish?
Yes, I love to cook! My favorite is cooking for Shabbos meals for my family like chulent, which is a bean and meat stew. Though, my personal favorite to eat has to be gefilte fish.
7. If you could have dinner with any celebrity dead or alive, who would it be & why?
Rihanna Fenty. She's a wonderful role model on how to overcome personal challenges and use entertainment as a positive platform to break down gender barriers. She's constantly adding to her image and is a brilliant entrepreneur.
8. What your favorite Brooklyn pizza shop? Favorite toppings?
Amnon's Kosher Pizza Store is my favorite store and falafel balls are my favorite. No, seriously. You should try it, especially with techina drizzled on it.
9. What inspired you to get involved in politics?
I saw how disengaged and mistrustful people were of politics. People knew little about what was happening in government and every day it seemed liked they were pulling further away. I saw how people are dealing with the a lot of the same challenges and yet nothing is getting done to make their lives better. The system is supposed to work for us and people are relying on it less and less every day. I wanted to make sure people had a voice and that their issues are finally resolved.
10. What’s your favorite movie? TV show? App?
"Movie: I love all Sci-Fi Westerns most of all so Back to the Future III.
TV Show: Game of Thrones. No explanation needed.
App: Right now, MiniVAN Touch without question. Normally, ParkNYC because it's a brilliant example of how to use technology to solve everyday needs of New Yorkers."
11. How do you like to spend a day off?
Completely unplugged from all devices and electronics.
12. Any hidden talents?
I can sew my own dresses.