Exclusive: Anonymous donor provides tuition for two St. Lucia girls to attend Brooklyn school

Thanks to the Angel Donor Program, Destiny and Hailie will now have three-quarters of their school tuition covered.

News 12 Staff

Jun 2, 2023, 12:29 AM

Updated 504 days ago


Two international transfer students from St. Lucia have been given an education opportunity they need to succeed, thanks to an anonymous donor.
The two girls, Destiny and Hailie, are now students at St. Edmund Elementary in Sheepshead Bay, which is known well for its Catholic school education.  
Pauline Melchoir-Morris, the aunt of the two students, works as a school counselor at the school.
Their education is being funded by one anonymous donor who was willing to lend a hand through the Angel Donor Program.  
“I was very surprised when we were accepted,” said Melchoir-Morris. “It was able to relieve some of the stress and the financial burden.” 
Melchoir-Morris says she fell on hard times and that the education and life costs of taking in her two nieces were piling up. Thanks to the Angel Donor Program, Destiny and Hailie will now have three-quarters of their tuition covered, and they can comfortably plan to look to the future.  
“My friends and I plan to start our own business, and a website,” said sixth grader Hailie.  
Destiny and Hailie say they both plan to continue writing letters of appreciation to their anonymous donor.