Funeral held for girl who choked at school

Friends and family of a 7-year-old Bushwick girl who died last week gathered in Williamsburg Friday to say their final goodbyes. Noelia Echavarria was eating a sandwich at P.S. 250 on Oct. 21 when

News 12 Staff

Nov 7, 2015, 5:16 AM

Updated 3,227 days ago


Friends and family of a 7-year-old Bushwick girl who died last week gathered in Williamsburg Friday to say their final goodbyes.
Noelia Echavarria was eating a sandwich at P.S. 250 on Oct. 21 when she choked.
The city's Department of Education says the school's faculty responded swiftly and properly to the emergency, but Echavarria's family says not enough was done to help her.
The family's lawyer says they are in the process of filing a lawsuit.