Turning tragedy into a legacy: Loved ones celebrate life of slain Bronx teen

In honor of her birthday, Yambo’s family released balloons where she is buried.

News 12 Staff

Jan 28, 2023, 10:36 PM

Updated 588 days ago


Family and loved ones gathered at Woodlawn Cemetery to celebrate what would’ve been the 17th birthday of Angellyh Yambo, a Bronx teen killed by a stray bullet.
Last April, News 12 reported that two 16-year-old girls and a 17-year-old boy were on their way home from school in Melrose around 2 p.m. when they were caught in the crossfire of gunshots on the corner of Saint Ann Avenue and East 156th Street.
Police say 16-year-old Angellyh Yambo, a student at University Prep, was fatally shot in the chest. Her family has been coping with the pain of her death ever since.
In honor of her birthday, Yambo’s family released balloons where she is buried.
A foundation was also launched in her name to offer afterschool resources to children. The family tells News 12’s Ceclia Hua that they are in contact with Yambo’s former school, University Prep, in the hopes of turning the tragedy into a legacy.
The family also says the trial for her accused killer is set for some time next month.