Video tribute filmed in Brooklyn for slain Fla. teen

A special video tribute was filmed in Brooklyn this weekend for slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin. Hip-hop artist Jasiri X made a trip to the House of the Lord Church in Boerum Hill for the video shoot.

News 12 Staff

Mar 26, 2012, 12:53 PM

Updated 4,548 days ago


A special video tribute was filmed in Brooklyn this weekend for slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin.
Hip-hop artist Jasiri X made a trip to the House of the Lord Church in Boerum Hill for the video shoot. The 17-year-old was gunned down by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman, who claimed self-defense and was not arrested.
Those who attended the filming donned hoodies in solidarity with Martin, who police say was wearing a hoodie when Zimmerman called 911 and reported a suspicious person.
Martin's death has sparked national outrage over racial profiling.