Health officials announced Tuesday night that they have ordered P.S. 369 in Boerum Hill and a part of P.S. 180 in Bensonhurst to shut down for the rest of the week due to swine flu concerns.
A special education program located on the fifth floor at P.S. 180 will be closed until Monday after several students fell ill with flu-like symptoms. However, parents at P.S. 180 are calling on officials to shutter the entire school to prevent the illness from spreading.
"They share the same lunch room, they share the same restrooms, they share the same parts of the school," says parent Hope DiPiazza. "I'm worried. They should have closed the schools last week."
The principal of P.S. 180 assured everyone that all the shared spaces have been thoroughly disinfected before the rest of the school opened Wednesday, but some parents were not convinced and kept their children home.
"That's not enough," says parent Ajsa Radoncic. "They should close the whole school."
Not everyone, however, felt they needed to keep their children home.
"Kids are going to get sick even if you close the school and clean it," says Ellen Doninianni. "When it reopens, someone else could be sick with it."
P.S. 369 and the special education program at P.S. 180 are set to reopen Monday, June 1.