City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito says she has high-risk HPV and that she will undergo a biopsy to test for cancer.
Human Papilloma-Virus, or HPV, is a virus that can lead to cervical cancer. Mark-Viverito made the announcement on Twitter.
Mark-Viverito says she was diagnosed after a recent gynecological exam and went public with the results in an effort to raise awareness.
One of her tweets reads, "Our health should never be compromised. Annual physicals have to be sacred. Yet, our health care system doesn't lend itself to this for many."
Dr. Sophia Lubin of the Union Community Health Center says the HPV virus is extremely common. Experts say approximately 80 percent of women are exposed to the virus over their lifetime.
Doctors say the body will generally clear the infection in two years. Those who are diagnosed as high-risk don't necessarily get cervical cancer. Dr. Lubin says it is just more important that they follow up with their physicians and do additional testing.