? The City Council?s Transportation Committee is calling for more oversight of ?dollar vans? after a driver hit and critically injured a Brooklyn grandmother.
Council members will hold a hearing March 29 about the largely unlicensed dollar van taxi industry. Family members of 55-year-old Jennifer Gibbons also say there needs to be more regulation. Police say Gibbons was run down at East 36th Street and Flatbush Avenue earlier this month while walking home after her dialysis treatment. Witnesses say the driver got out of the van, looked at Gibbons and fled the scene. Police are searching for the burgundy van with yellow-gold stripes. Gibbons was critically injured with two broken legs, a fractured pelvis and ribs, and bleeding in her brain.
The Taxi and Limousine Commission says police, not the agency, are responsible for regulating dollar vans. The commission also says the vans serve a vital role in many communities, but passengers should be cautious of which ones they get into.