Crown Heights Achievement First Voyager Elementary could be closing for good at the end of the school year.
Less than two years after opening, school administration is pointing to low enrollment as the cause for the possible closure. News 12 spoke with concerned parents who are now questioning what this means for their children.
Parents were informed that the school needs 180 students to stay open, and that right now the school is only at 76. Parents say their children have been thriving at the elementary school, and they fear the change could affect their education.
Others are worried about the toll a change of environment could take on the children.
If the Achievement First board votes to close later this month, it will merge with other Achievement First charter schools in the area.
The school principal said in part, "The good news is that in merging with other Achievement First elementary schools, we'll be able to provide our students more robust services."
However, parents still hope it's not too late. Many feel as though enrollment could increase if they give it time.
The school administration tells News 12 they will meet one-on-one with all families to help support them in selecting the best school for their children.