People in Gerritsen Beach are demanding the city make their roads safer after a Brooklyn man crashed through a wooden railing into Shell Bank Creek and died Monday.
Authorities identified that man Tuesday as 31-year-old Jason Miro. Surveillance video shows a car believed to be Miro's speeding down Gerritsen Avenue moments before plunging into the water.
Police say Miro lived in Sheepshead Bay, but neighbors say he moved out about a year ago. They say he worked at a barbershop.
Gerritsen Beach residents say drivers speed too often on Gerritsen Avenue. They say another speeding car crashed through the same railing last year, but the driver survived. One man says that people drag race late at night on the road and police don't do enough to stop it.
There are speed limit signs posted and yellow lights flashing before the water, but residents say that's not enough. They say there are very few stoplights and speed bumps, and most critically, not enough police officers making sure drivers are riding safely.
The Department of Transportation says it's going to review the area to see if any safety improvements need to be made.