The fine for littering on subway tracks increased from $50 to $100 Wednesday.
The announcement was made earlier this month when Gov. Andrew Cuomo held a press conference launching NY state's "Keep it Clean" initiative—a statewide plan to cut down on subway litter.
Cuomo says the subway track drainage system is constantly being clogged with garbage. Last year, he says 100,000 delays were due to track and signal issues that were water-related.
The governor blames the excessive garbage for causing track fires.
Step two in the initiative is a public service announcement. Cuomo says it appears that many people don't realize the impact of something like throwing a candy bar wrapper on the tracks can have.
According to the MTA, as water flows through the track bed, it collects litter and debris that clogs grated track drains, which in turn causes water to pool on the track bed, accelerating breakdown of the track plates and railroad ties.