Parents in Windsor Terrace have signed a petition to help put the brakes on speeding drivers in front of P.S. 154.
They say that drivers, especially commercial vehicles, speed along 11th Avenue all day, sometimes up to 60 mph. The speeding is especially troubling before and after school when many small children are walking nearby.
Parents, who have recorded a video of drivers heading down the road at a high speed, say many of the drivers are coming off the Prospect Expressway.
A group of concerned moms and dads say they have tried to get speed humps, a stop sign or even a school safety camera, to no avail
The parents hope that the petition, which has at least 500 names of parents, residents and school staff, will lead to changes.
A Department of Transportation spokesperson says in a statement that the agency is looking into many ways to ease traffic in the area and plans to wrap up investigations by mid-winter.