Police say a 30-year-old man was fatally shot in front of his wife and stepchildren moments after an argument with the alleged shooter.
It happened early Sunday morning at the corner of Franklin Avenue and Union Street.
Dion James, his wife and two stepdaughters were returning home from Crown Heights to Brownsville.
James' wife says he got into an argument with another man on the street.
"We walked down the block and we were back and forth talking loud and stuff, and some guy said something to him and he said something back and then it turned into a big argument," she said.
The wife said she tried to steer her husband away from the argument, but as they walked down the block, six to seven people jumped him. She said she tried to defend him, but a man shot him twice in the back.
James was rushed to Kings County Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Police are still searching for the shooter.