Some East New York residents are fighting against a city plan to rezone part of their communities.
Residents tell News 12 Brooklyn that their neighborhood is all about diversity and its unique cultures. These residents fear that this new plan would force longtime residents out of the area.
The Department of City Planning released an update on its draft for a project called "East New York Community Plan." The purpose is to rezone the neighborhood and create affordable housing and more pedestrian-friendly streets.
Opponents say that while the plan calls for affordable housing, it's not affordable to the people who currently live there.
In response, the DCP tells News 12 that 10 percent of the housing will be for people making very low salaries. Protesters think the percentage is too low.
"The figure is supposed to be $35,000 a year, but a lot of people make under that, so [if] they're not making that much, then who is the housing for?" asks resident Onyx Walker.
According to the DCP website, it has already completed land use applications. Those applications have to be reviewed and approved by several community boards, city agencies and by the borough president before any construction can begin.