New York Rep. Vito Fossella will not seekre-election after a series of damaging revelations about a childfrom an extramarital affair, two people familiar with the decisiontold The Associated Press.
Both people spoke on condition of anonymity because they werenot authorized to make the announcement public. Fossella wasexpected to make the announcement on Tuesday.
Fossella, 43, has admitted to fathering a daughter with aVirginia woman. The two met while she was an Air Force officerworking with Congress. He has served in Congress since 1997,representing Staten Island and part of Brooklyn. He is the onlyRepublican member of Congress from New York City.
The congressman's secret relationship with the woman, Laura Fay,was revealed after he was arrested for drunk driving on May 1.Fossella was stopped after running a red light, and he toldofficers he was going to see his sick daughter, according topolice.
Fossella is married with three children. The family lives onStaten Island.