A century-old Brownsville church is set to be demolished to build new housing.
The Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens is planning to demolish Our Lady of Loreto Church and turn it into 30 to 50 units of affordable housing.
In a statement, the CEO of the organization says there is no viable use for the structure due to its condition and that it would be neglectful to leave it abandoned in disrepair.
The plan comes six years after initial plans to raze the church were modified, resulting in the demolition of its nearby properties for more affordable housing. Since then, the church has been boarded up and unused.
Some preservationists tell News 12 they would be able to put it to great use as a cultural center. They say it would be a shame to tear down an architectural masterpiece.
Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens says it does not currently have a time frame of when the demolition will take place or when the housing units will be built.