A woman living in a NYCHA apartment with mold that she says is making her sick doesn't want it removed.
Sheena Sierra, a tenant at the Pink Houses, says the aroma of the mold in her apartment is causing her to have numerous health problems.
"I'm not breathing properly, I'm not able to sleep at night," she says. "I'm nauseous and vomiting because of the toxic smell that's coming from the bathroom."
Sierra has acknowledged that NYCHA workers did make an effort last week to remove the mold, but she turned them away. She says she doesn't want the mold to be removed but wants herself to be removed instead.
"I just would like to be moved from this housing development and...moved somewhere else," she says.
According to NYCHA, it doesn't have a transfer request on file. Sierra says that's because the housing authority refused to accept her request in the first place.