The Brooklyn District Attorney's Office teamed up with the NYPD to host a gun buyback event at the Beulah Church of the Nazarene on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Brooklyn residents are encouraged to bring any functioning guns or assault rifles. Those who do will receive a $500 bank card.
“We have so many tragedies with guns and houses and young kids finding a gun and playing with it or someone who sells a gun and gives a gun to someone and it’s been used for crime," said Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez.
DA Gonzalez adds that events like this are necessary in today's climate.
“Gun violence, while it’s down this year from last year, significantly down a 50% reduction since 2020, still is a persistent problem for many of the neighborhoods in Brooklyn," he says.
The NYPD also says they are proud to partner with the DA's office and the Beulah Church of the Nazarene and hope this event saves lives.