Flooding at Canarsie intersections has one state senator calling for action.
Even though the rain stopped, there is still flooding several inches deep at the intersection of Williams Avenue and Glenwood Road and at Glenwood Road and East 108th Street.
Tenants say flash flooding isn’t the only issue. They say the water persists for days because it is trapped by catch basins clogged with trash, which forces people to walk dangerously in the middle of street to avoid crossing through the water - and blocking those who use wheelchairs from the crosswalk.
State Sen. Roxanne Persaud has reached out to the city’s Department of Environmental Protection. She says it's also up to residents to stop clogging the drains by picking up after themselves.
The DEP says there were 311 complaints of flooding in the area back on April 26. It responded one month later and cleared two catch basins of debris. It says crews will be back today to clear an inlet basin.