Overflowing trash on a busy stretch in Sunset Park in causing concern for residents and business owners alike.
Heaps of trash have become par for the course along a commercial corridor on Eighth Avenue to the point where pedestrians have simply turned a blind eye to it. Some residents say it can be hard to just cross the street when the trash adds up.
A small sign prohibiting dumping of residential and commercial garbage has been largely ignored as trash continues to collect.
"(I'm) used to it really, it's just become like a norm for us here," says resident Tiffany Boon. "It should definitely be changed but it's just something that clearly has been here for a while."
As for what can be done, several people News 12 spoke to suggested more and bigger public trash cans.
They also requested a campaign raising awareness as to what can and cannot be dumped in the trash cans.
News 12 reached out to the Department of Sanitation to see if they would consider any of the proposals, but has not yet heard back.